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    • Luckyyy je napisal/a na forum v temo Nakupovanje preko spleta v tujini in carina.

      4. apr 2024 10:06
      SchantaL wrote


      Greetings smiley

      I'm new to this forum and I don't know where else to turn other than you. I don't want to bother you with the same questions again, since you have already explained the matter with customs and VAT several times, but I ask the question anyway and I hope for your help.

      Namely... I would like to order hair extensions from the website  , the price of the extensions is   $199.95 = 150.07 EUR .   Postage is FREE. How much would the final amount be, taking into account VAT and customs clearance ?


      Really thanks for the help!! smiley




      What would be your destination area? Mostly, VAT is %20. If your hair extension is worth $199, the VAT would be $39 something. So the total costs would be $240.

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  • Tanja 19. mar 2023 20:52
    RES slabo, meni izsušuje kožo
  • Tanja 21. feb 2023 18:20
    Izvrsten, najboljši
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 12:25
    Svaljka se
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 12:05
    Ne preprečuje vonjav
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 11:57
    Ne neguje
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