Moram deliti z vami, kaj se mi je zgodilo. Torej 2 tedna nazaj sem po skrbnem pregledu njihovih izdelkov in sestavin naročila 4 izdelke:
1. Tonik s 5% salicilne kisline;
2. Mandelična kemični piling 10 %
3. Arjaline serum
4. Luminosa krema
Za slednjo sem se odločila zaradi neverjetnih sestavin, da sama nisem mogla vejreti - na 3. mestu liquorice ekstrakt in na 4. niacinamid. Top!

Ko pa sem izdelek dobila, sem razočarana ugotovila, da so sestavine popolnoma drugačne. Tako drugačne, da izdelka zagotovo ne bi naročila, če bi vedela (ravno niacinamid in liquorice bolj proti koncu sestavin).
Sicer se mi ne da ukvarjati s pošiljanjem nazaj, sem hotela podariti prijateljici - sem jim pa pisala:
Today i've finally received the parcel and I have to say I'm quite disappointed.
As it's probably is not a secret to you, the ingredients should be listed from the one that is contained in largest amount (usually water) to the one in the least amount. I've purchased Luminosa because on your website the ingredients are listed like in the pic attached (print screen) - which means Liquorice Root Extract on 3rd place of ingredients and Niacinamide on 4th.
And now on the product received these two most important ingredients are in the last third of ingredient list.
The same with Arjaline serum - the ingredients are not the same.
I'm really disappointed about this and feel mislead and cheated. I wouldn't have purchased Luminosa moisturizer if I knew the actual ingredient list. I don't know what is your main goal - to sell products to customer once and never 'see' him again, or have a lifelong custmers? If you want a lifelong customers, you better play it fair, since I have no plans to order again. Really sad since the next time I wanted to order together with my friends (they don't have credit cards or PP).
Kind regards,
Tole je pa odgovor, ki sem ga dobila danes:
Dear Tanja
It's not a conspiracy to defraud customers. The official ingredients listing is correctly displayed on the product label and the ingredients are listed in order of weight as they should be. There is no obligation to display ingredients on the website product pages. Most retailers do not display such information. Many will simply mention a few of the 'special' ingredients to 'sell' the product.
We provide the ingredients as a courtesy to our customers so they can check that they are, for example, not allergic to an ingredient. or to satisfy themselves that the product does not contain animal derived ingredients.
As you looked so closely at both sets of ingredients did it not occur to you that the ingredients listed on the website were arranged in a particular order? The Luminosa listing is water soluble first, then thickening agents, followed by oil soluble ingredients etc. That information was taken from our formulation sheet and shows how the cream is made - the order in which ingredients are combined.
To be perfectly honest Tanja I could care less that you are so offended that you will not order from us again. We are so successful that I think we can manage without such awkward customers who have nothing better to do than dream up conspiracy theories about UK companies defrauding poor innocent Slovenian customers.
Ironically it is not us trying to defraud Slovenian customers - we get more attempted scams originating from Slovenia than just about any other EU country. So before you start making accusations I would suggest you look at why Slovenia seems to have so many scammers.
BTW We have blocked and closed your account. Do not bother replying as I have also blocked your e-mail address
Dobesedno sem v šoku - česa takega v življenju nisem doživela (pa tudi sama delam z ljudmi, pa mi kaj takega nikoli na pamet ni padlo).
Tako, da če bo katera še kaj naročala, vedite, da so sestavine lahko čisto druge kot te, navedene na spletni strani - kakšen odgovor lahko pričakujete, pa same vidite.
Sem sedaj podala na PayPal za povrnitev.