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Krema za pospeševanje porjavitve Rapid Bronze

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Starost: 43Pridružen: 17. okt 2003Prispevkov: 6817Kraj: LjubljanaStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 3. dec 2003 10:42
Povezava do prispevka

Tanja, mi lahko poveš, če da po tvojih izkušnjah Avonova kaj temnejšo barvo kot Sun dance?


Lp P.

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Starost: n/aPridružen: 14. okt 2003Prispevkov: 45018Kraj: Planet LepoteStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 3. dec 2003 12:23
Povezava do prispevka
Ja, Avonova da močnejšo barvo. Samo moraš tudi toliko bolj paziti pri nanosu - temnejša je barva, bolj se vidijo napake pri nanašanju.
A health and beauty freak.
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Starost: n/aPridružen: 22. okt 2003Prispevkov: 149Kraj: CeljeStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 3. dec 2003 12:32
Povezava do prispevka
Katera samoporjavitvena pa pol pride v poštev zame ki sem nagnjena k nastajanju mozoljev in ogrcev pretežno po telesu?In je cenovno sprejemljiva
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Starost: n/aPridružen: 14. okt 2003Prispevkov: 45018Kraj: Planet LepoteStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 3. dec 2003 12:35
Povezava do prispevka
Ravno Sun Ozon ali Sun Dance .
A health and beauty freak.
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Starost: n/aPridružen: 21. nov 2003Prispevkov: 12Kraj: n/aStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 5. dec 2003 20:34
Povezava do prispevka


Za pravo porjavelost priporočam obisk kvalitetnega solarija ter uporabo vrhunske kozmetike za sončenje znamke California Tan iz ZDA. V kolekciji imajo tudi kreme, ki imajo samoporjavitvene sestavine "za hiter" efekt iz naravnih izvlečkov kot npr. Hot Chocolate Step 1 oz. Pure Chocolate Step 2.




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Starost: n/aPridružen: 14. okt 2003Prispevkov: 45018Kraj: Planet LepoteStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 5. dec 2003 21:03
Povezava do prispevka
Mislim, da se nas večina izogiba solarijev, ker so škodljivi... In ravno zato se zanimamo za ST.
A health and beauty freak.
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Starost: n/aPridružen: 21. nov 2003Prispevkov: 12Kraj: n/aStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 5. dec 2003 21:53
Povezava do prispevka

Pozdravljena Tanja!

Solariji so škodljivi, če se ne upoštevajo osnovna navodila o pravilni uporabi - predvsem je potrebno upoštevati lastno občutljivost kože (tip kože), moč solarija (primeren čas sončenja), pogostost obiskovanja, uporaba krem za sončenje v solariju ter ostale rizične dejavnike. Ob pravilni ter zmerni uporabi solarija predvsem v tem času, ko je sončnih žarkov zelo malo lahko zelo pozitivno vpliva na kožo ter na celotno telo. Za slednje obstaja nešteto dokazov, ki so plod znanstvenih raziskav. Priporočam npr. ogled strani, ipd.



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Starost: n/aPridružen: 14. okt 2003Prispevkov: 45018Kraj: Planet LepoteStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 5. dec 2003 22:30
Povezava do prispevka

Robert, dobro vem, kaj so solariji in vpliv UV žarkov... Tvoje izjave raje ne komentiram. Sicer pa, če bodo proizvajalci oz. prodajalci hoteli prepričati ljudi, da je nekaj zdravo, bodo že našli "znanstvenika", ki bo to potrdil... Kar ti predlagaš, so strani proizvajalcev, ki prodajajo svoje izdelke - mar res misliš, da bi uspeli, če bi svoje izdelke reklamirali: pridite v naše solarije, škodljivi so, uničite si kožo...! Vsak svoj izdelek prodaja kot najboljšega, zato mi nikar ne dajaj za pogledat strani, kjer nekdo hvali lastne izdelke...

Raje si ti poglej naslednje zadeve:

What You Must Know

  • There is no such thing as a safe suntan. Even if you tan slowly without burning, the damage is hazardous to the health of your skin.

  • UVB radiation is the sun s burning ray, which has an immediate, harmful impact on skin. Damage from UVB rays takes place the very first minute (yes, 60 seconds) of walking outside.

  • UVA rays are the sun s silent killers. You don t feel them but they are the primary cause of skin cancer and wrinkles. (UVA rays also penetrate through clear glass windows.)

  • Even on a cloudy or hazy day, the sun s rays are present and attacking the skin.

  • Sitting in the shade or wearing a hat only protects against a portion of the sun s rays. Plus, other surrounding surfaces such as water, cement, and grass reflect the rays from the ground to your skin giving you a double whammy of damage.

  • Altitude is a sun enhancer: for every 1,000-foot increase in altitude, the sun s potency increases by 4%.

  • According to the FDA, a product s SPF (sunscreen protection factor) number tells you how long you can stay in the sun before getting burnt. If it normally takes you 20 minutes in the sun before you start turning pink, an SPF 15 product will let you stay in the sun for five hours without burning. The formula is 20 (minutes) x 15(SPF) = 300 (minutes), or five hours. But that five hours applies only if you aren t swimming or perspiring. If you are active or if you get wet, you must reapply the sunscreen after 60 to 90 minutes.

  • SPF is crucial, but it is only a measurement regarding sunburn (UVB) rays. There are no numbers to tell you about protection from UVA radiation. For that protection you have to check the active ingredient list to see if either zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, avobenzone (which may also be listed as Parsol 1789 or butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane), or Mexoryl SX (outside of the US). If one of those isn t part of the active ingredient list (it doesn t count if it is just part of the regular ingredients) you will not get adequate UVA protection.

  • Oxybenzone and benzophenone are sunscreen ingredients that sound similar to avobenzone, but they are not the same. There are several sunscreen ingredients approved for use in the United States for sunburn protection. While benzophone and oxybenzone do have some UVA protection, they are not as effective as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, avobenzone or Mexoryl.

  • For those of you who want more specifics about the issue of UVA vs. UVB protection: According to the Skin Therapy Letter published by the Division of Dermatology at the University of British Columbia, vol. 2, no. 5, 1997, "UVA range is 315-400 nanometers." According to the FDA, the UVB range is from 280 to 315. The range of protection for the following sunscreen ingredients is listed as "Padimate O, 290-315 nanometers; Benzophenones, 250-350 nanometers; Octyl methoxycinnamate, 290-320 nanometers; Avobenzone, 320-400 nanometers; Oxybenzone 270 to 350 nanometers; Titanium dioxide, 290-700 nanometers; and Zinc oxide, 290-700 nanometers.

  • Waterproof sunscreens are actually not 100% waterproof, and the FDA s 2002 regulations require companies to eliminate the use of the word. However, sunscreens can be water resistant, which means they need to be reapplied if you ve been swimming or sweating for more than 90 minutes to 2 hours.

  • An SPF 2 blocks about 50% of the UVB rays; an SPF 10 filters out about 85% of the UVB rays; an SPF 15 stops about 95%, and an SPF 30 stops about 97%.

  • Even if the SPF number on the label of your sunscreens is an SPF 50, it still has limitations (Note that new FDA regulations state that no sunscreens will be allowed to have ratings over an SPF 30+.), which explains why you still might get some color after prolonged exposure to the sun despite slathering sunscreen on your skin.

  • Always apply sunscreen at least 15 to 20 minutes before going outside. This gives the sunscreen time to absorb and to spread over and into the skin.

  • You must apply sunscreen liberally. A study published in the Archives of Dermatology said "Sunscreen users are only applying 50 percent of the recommended amount, so they are only receiving 50 percent of the SPF protection." Because of this issue concerning liberal application, expensive sunscreens can be dangerous to your skin s health. After all, how likely are you to liberally apply a sunscreen from Lancome that costs $32 or, even more absurdly, a sunscreen from La Prairie that costs $150 for 1 ounce.

  • If you are using AHAs, BHA, Retin-A, Renova, Differin, or any topical pharmaceutical retinoid, it can make your skin more vulnerable to sun damage due to the surface exfoliation and changes (removing the top layer of sun-damaged skin) caused by using these products. This information does not impact those who are already diligent about using sunscreen, but if you are not being diligent, you re skin is even more at risk for sun damage and sunburn with minimal sun exposure.

  • If you are using more than one product that contains sunscreen, such as an SPF 15 moisturizer and an SPF 8 foundation, the two sunscreens do not add up to one SPF number. In other words, an SPF 8 and an SPF 15 do not add up to an SPF 23. Though you would get an increased SPF value for protection, there is no way of knowing what that increased protection would be. If you want to count on getting an SPF 30 s worth of protection, then that is the number you should look for in one product.

  • Getting a sunburn is bad enough, but what you may not know is that a sunburn continues to develop for 12 to 24 hours after the initial burn takes place! Treat a sunburn the way you would treat any other burn. Do not cover it with thick salves (butter and thick moisturizers are the worst). These will trap the heat and cause more damage. Get the skin in contact with cool water immediately (do not put ice directly on the skin?that s too much cold and can cause a different kind of burn). Then keep applying the cool water on and off for several hours.

  • If you have babies or small children, sunscreen protection should be of primary concern. Their delicate skin is even more sensitive to the sun s damaging energy. All sunscreen formulations that have an SPF are regulated closely by the FDA; the formulations don t differ in any way because of the age of the intended user. Of greater concern than the cute packaging on kids products is that the formulation you choose contain one of the UVA-protecting ingredients; either avobenzone, titanium dioxide, or zinc oxide. For more information on protecting small children from the sun.

  • If you are looking for a less irritating sunscreen for your kids or yourself, choose one that contains only pure titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide as the active ingredient, which will definitely be less irritating than a product with other types of sunscreen agents.

  • If you re determined to get a tan, the only safe way to do it is with self-tanning products sold by cosmetics lines of all kinds.
A health and beauty freak.
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Starost: n/aPridružen: 17. okt 2003Prispevkov: 1763Kraj: n/aStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 6. dec 2003 0:21
Povezava do prispevka
Vse lepo in prav ampak jaz še vedno NE VEM katero samoporjavitveno kremo naj kupim. Se moram pritožit, ker mi niste prav nič v pomoč, milijon predlogov in kako naj se jaz revica znajdem in odločim. Sun Ozon in Sun dance ne najdem nikjer, najbrž mislijo da moramo biti poleti beli kot zid. Malo se nagibam h Collistarju ampak... dejte mi no pomagat da se odločim
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Starost: n/aPridružen: 14. okt 2003Prispevkov: 45018Kraj: Planet LepoteStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 6. dec 2003 10:59
Povezava do prispevka
Saša, vzemi Dior ali Collistar .
A health and beauty freak.
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Starost: n/aPridružen: 17. okt 2003Prispevkov: 1763Kraj: n/aStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 6. dec 2003 11:04
Povezava do prispevka

No prav, grem v Mullerja in bom kupila nekaj od tega. Zdej se bom pa res odločila


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Starost: n/aPridružen: 14. okt 2003Prispevkov: 45018Kraj: Planet LepoteStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 6. dec 2003 11:08
Povezava do prispevka
Pa povej, kako boš zadovoljna!
A health and beauty freak.
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Starost: 56Pridružen: 17. okt 2003Prispevkov: 9321Kraj: KranjStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 6. dec 2003 14:15
Povezava do prispevka
Logično, da vsak dela reklamo za tisto, kar prodaja. Zato pa ne verjamemo reklamam in kritično razmišljamo z lastno glavo. Popolnoma se strinjam, da so solariji škodljivi, zato že leta več ne hodim vanje (sicer tudi nikoli nisem bila strastna obiskovalka). Uničujejo pa tudi naše etrsko telo, kar so ugotovili s pregledi avre. Čeprav jih propagirajo tudi s tem, da naj bi nam dali energijo v zimskih mesecih, nam jo tako v resnici jemljejo in uničujejo naše energijsko ravnovesje.

Tako da naj se proizvajalci, ki delajo reklamo zanje, kar lepo sami pražijo v njih.
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Starost: n/aPridružen: 20. okt 2003Prispevkov: 676Kraj: n/aStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 6. dec 2003 14:33
Povezava do prispevka

Tocno to!

Jaz sem pred leti sla parkrat v solarij in so mi hoteli prodat eno "super" kozmetiko za na sonce. Ko pa sem prodajalko-svetovalko vprasala nekaj o Zn oksidu, pa me je gledala, kot da bi z lune padla...

Tolk o tem, koliko se res spoznajo.

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Starost: n/aPridružen: 23. nov 2003Prispevkov: 2568Kraj: TrbovljeStatus:Offline
Objavljeno: 6. dec 2003 18:35
Povezava do prispevka

Tudi jaz sem prepričana, da je solarij škodljiv, zato nisem še nikoli šla tja in tudi ne nameravam. Kolikor vem, tudi dermatologi opozarjajo na previdnost. Ma, jaz sploh ne vidim nobenega razloga, da bi se tam cvrla. Na, potem naj mi pa še avro poškodujejo!

Tanja, bravo, si jih pa strresla iz rokavaLOL, naslove mislim.

LP, Pipi

LP, Pipi
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Krema za pospeševanje porjavitve Rapid Bronze
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  • Tanja 19. mar 2023 20:52
    RES slabo, meni izsušuje kožo
  • Tanja 21. feb 2023 18:20
    Izvrsten, najboljši
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 12:25
    Svaljka se
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 12:05
    Ne preprečuje vonjav
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 11:57
    Ne neguje
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Gillian je bila stara komaj sedem let, vendar je bila njena prihodnost že ogrožena.