No, včeraj sem v Maxiju na oddelku za mačjo hrano zagledala stekleničke z mačjim mlekom. Moram rečt, da sem bla ful presenečena!
Kaj pa vi mislite o tem? Pa o raznih pasjih čokoladah,...
No, včeraj sem v Maxiju na oddelku za mačjo hrano zagledala stekleničke z mačjim mlekom. Moram rečt, da sem bla ful presenečena!
Kaj pa vi mislite o tem? Pa o raznih pasjih čokoladah,...
Ja, od whiskasa!
Mislim glede na to mačka nujno potrebuje mleko od mame ko je še majhna, ko je starejša pa sloh ni nujno, da pije mleko. Kravje mleko mački celo škodi-razni problemi s prebavo.
A res misliš, da je to mačje mleko? A zdaj že mačke molzejo??!! Ja pa kaj še.. Malemu mucku se razredči kupljeno mleko z vodo in je čisto ok.
xtinax: saj to je bilo v hecu mišljeno
Jaz vseeno ne verjamem v te stvari. Mucku lepo razredčiš mlekec z vodo in ni nobenih problemov. Pa saj to ti bo vsak veterinar rekel.
Mačje mleko je močnejše od kravjega, ima več maščob in ne manj. Zato ne redčite kravjega mleka, je še več škode...
Upam, da ni nič narobe, da bo tole pisanje v angleščini...
The Milk Myth Milk. Does it do a cat s body good? | |||||||||||||||||||
You?ve seen the images on TV, in magazines and books, a healthy cat lapping up a bowl of warm milk. While the image is appealing, it is also misleading. There is no item so closely related to cats as milk. In fact, the ?milk myth? is quite common. Many people believe that milk should be a part of a cat?s regular diet. But, regular cow?s milk may not be good for your cat. Moreover, your cat may experience digestion problems after consuming milk. Most cats are simply unable to digest milk and other dairy products. We know that kittens drink their mother?s milk when they are born. The mother?s milk is full of the proper nutrients and proteins that a kitten needs to grow healthy and strong. Cow?s milk is radically different than cat?s milk. Analysis indicates that the calcium and lactose levels are high and the protein and fat levels are low in cow?s milk when compared to cat?s milk. The basic components of cat s milk per deciliter, compared against an equivalent of cow s milk, is as follows: Cat Milk Cow Milk
After weaning , usually after three to four weeks of age, a kitten gradually loses most of the enzyme, lactase, which aids in the digestion of milk sugars. When an adult cat consumes milk, she lacks lactase to digest milk sugars. This leads to an abundance of unabsorbed milk sugars, known as lactose. The lactose holds water in the small intestine, later producing diarrhea and/or vomiting. Because both diarrhea and vomiting strip liquids from the cat?s system, this can be an uncomfortable and even dangerous condition. While milk is a good source of water and carbohydrates, it does not provide all the necessary nutrients a cat needs to remain healthy. Some cats can tolerate small amounts of milk, others none at all. The amount of milk a cat can consume without digestive problems varies greatly from cat to cat . There are other factors that determine whether a cat is lactose intolerant, including the type of breed. But what do you do when your cat begs you for those last drops of that delicious white elixir remaining in your cereal bowl? Veterinarians suggest that you determine if she can tolerate milk by offering her a small amount. If she does not experience diarrhea or vomiting, then it is ok to feed her small amounts occasionally, but not on a regular basis. Generally 1-2 oz a week is fine. A great alternative is to purchase one of the special cat?s milk products available on the market. These commercial feline products have the lactose removed and contain the proper nutrients that a cat needs, plus they have the added benefit of not being perishable which means you can buy them in advance and store them in the cupboard. Thus, she can enjoy the taste of milk without those uncomfortable side effects that regular milk may cause. Some dairy products to avoid feeding your cat are milk, cheese, butter, margarine, eggs and ice cream. An acidopholus-enriched milk, available at most large supermarkets, can often be consumed by cats that cannot tolerate normal milk. Acidopholus is the bacterium that lives within the intestine and produces the enzyme that breaks down lactose. Acidopholus- enriched milk carries its own acidopholus culture with it. Additionally, yogurt is a healthy dairy treat because it contains an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus. Unlike milk, yogurt has already been consumed by a bacterium, and is therefore partially digested. This makes it easier for cats to finish digesting. It should be noted that excessive diarrhea or vomiting might be a sign of a more serious condition. As always, consult your veterinarian to discuss the symptoms, cause and treatment in regards to any and all health problems.
Must kittens and cats drink milk? Cats and kittens can drink COW s milk OCCASIONALLY but they do not need to drink it. A cat can easily live its whole life without ever having cow s milk. Most feral or wild cats never have cow s milk. Like humans, many cats and kittens are lactose intolerant. They cannot digest cow s milk properly and they get diarrhea or gastric upset when they drink it. Kittens that become lactose intolerant usually only become intolerant after they are about 3 months of age, so THEIR mother s milk shouldn t cause any gastric upset. If your cat or kitten gets diarrhea as a result of drinking cow s milk, stop giving it milk and it should pass. Some cat owners who have lactose intolerant cats that are milkaholics do occasionally give them lactose free milk. You can find lactose free milk in pet stores. If your cat digests milk without a problem then you can give it the occasional milk treat. Remember - Cow s milk should never be the primary or regular food source for any cat or kitten since it is missing many essential ingredients to keep your feline healthy. |
Upam, da ni nič narobe, da bo tole pisanje v angleščini...
The Milk Myth Milk. Does it do a cat s body good? | |||||||||||||||||||
You?ve seen the images on TV, in magazines and books, a healthy cat lapping up a bowl of warm milk. While the image is appealing, it is also misleading. There is no item so closely related to cats as milk. In fact, the ?milk myth? is quite common. Many people believe that milk should be a part of a cat?s regular diet. But, regular cow?s milk may not be good for your cat. Moreover, your cat may experience digestion problems after consuming milk. Most cats are simply unable to digest milk and other dairy products. We know that kittens drink their mother?s milk when they are born. The mother?s milk is full of the proper nutrients and proteins that a kitten needs to grow healthy and strong. Cow?s milk is radically different than cat?s milk. Analysis indicates that the calcium and lactose levels are high and the protein and fat levels are low in cow?s milk when compared to cat?s milk. The basic components of cat s milk per deciliter, compared against an equivalent of cow s milk, is as follows: Cat Milk Cow Milk
After weaning , usually after three to four weeks of age, a kitten gradually loses most of the enzyme, lactase, which aids in the digestion of milk sugars. When an adult cat consumes milk, she lacks lactase to digest milk sugars. This leads to an abundance of unabsorbed milk sugars, known as lactose. The lactose holds water in the small intestine, later producing diarrhea and/or vomiting. Because both diarrhea and vomiting strip liquids from the cat?s system, this can be an uncomfortable and even dangerous condition. While milk is a good source of water and carbohydrates, it does not provide all the necessary nutrients a cat needs to remain healthy. Some cats can tolerate small amounts of milk, others none at all. The amount of milk a cat can consume without digestive problems varies greatly from cat to cat . There are other factors that determine whether a cat is lactose intolerant, including the type of breed. But what do you do when your cat begs you for those last drops of that delicious white elixir remaining in your cereal bowl? Veterinarians suggest that you determine if she can tolerate milk by offering her a small amount. If she does not experience diarrhea or vomiting, then it is ok to feed her small amounts occasionally, but not on a regular basis. Generally 1-2 oz a week is fine. A great alternative is to purchase one of the special cat?s milk products available on the market. These commercial feline products have the lactose removed and contain the proper nutrients that a cat needs, plus they have the added benefit of not being perishable which means you can buy them in advance and store them in the cupboard. Thus, she can enjoy the taste of milk without those uncomfortable side effects that regular milk may cause. Some dairy products to avoid feeding your cat are milk, cheese, butter, margarine, eggs and ice cream. An acidopholus-enriched milk, available at most large supermarkets, can often be consumed by cats that cannot tolerate normal milk. Acidopholus is the bacterium that lives within the intestine and produces the enzyme that breaks down lactose. Acidopholus- enriched milk carries its own acidopholus culture with it. Additionally, yogurt is a healthy dairy treat because it contains an excellent source of calcium and phosphorus. Unlike milk, yogurt has already been consumed by a bacterium, and is therefore partially digested. This makes it easier for cats to finish digesting. It should be noted that excessive diarrhea or vomiting might be a sign of a more serious condition. As always, consult your veterinarian to discuss the symptoms, cause and treatment in regards to any and all health problems.
Must kittens and cats drink milk? Cats and kittens can drink COW s milk OCCASIONALLY but they do not need to drink it. A cat can easily live its whole life without ever having cow s milk. Most feral or wild cats never have cow s milk. Like humans, many cats and kittens are lactose intolerant. They cannot digest cow s milk properly and they get diarrhea or gastric upset when they drink it. Kittens that become lactose intolerant usually only become intolerant after they are about 3 months of age, so THEIR mother s milk shouldn t cause any gastric upset. If your cat or kitten gets diarrhea as a result of drinking cow s milk, stop giving it milk and it should pass. Some cat owners who have lactose intolerant cats that are milkaholics do occasionally give them lactose free milk. You can find lactose free milk in pet stores. If your cat digests milk without a problem then you can give it the occasional milk treat. Remember - Cow s milk should never be the primary or regular food source for any cat or kitten since it is missing many essential ingredients to keep your feline healthy. |
Na tocno to sem mislila, ko sem napisala, da kravje mleko ni dobro za macke. Ne vem zakaj vsi avtomatsko povezejo macko z mlekom?
Moji mackoni sploh nimajo mleka v njihovi prehrani pa so vseeno zdravi in lepo rejeni!
miska - še ena od preživetih dogem, ki se še vedno, kljub dokazom o nasprotnem prenašajo iz roda v rod .
To, da mačka mora piti mleko, je kot to:
- da mora samička vsaj enkrat imeti leglo, preden se jo sterilizira
- da mora samček vsaj enkrat naskočiti samičko, preden se ga kastrira/sterilizira
- da mora biti mačka/maček stara vsaj 1 leto, preden se lahko opravi
- da se mačke navežejo na hišo in ne na lastnika
- da ima mačka 9 življenj
- da se mačka ne more poškodovati pri skoku, ker vedno pristane na tačkah
- da se mački ne sem dajati surovega mesa, ker postane krvoločna
- da .. itd...
Vse to so res neumnosti, ampak .. določene stvari, četudi še tako podprte z dokzai, raziskavami, številkami, .. so še vedno trdno prisotne med ljudmi.
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