Registracija Pozabljeno geslo


Seznam izdelkov (363)

Seznam proizvajacev - Mleko/losion

Seznam proizvajalcev za kategorijo mleko/losion



Weleda have been manufacturing health care products and a wide range of cruelty-free skincare and bodycare products since 1921. As with Weleda medicines, their individual ingredients are selected for their natural therapeutic properties. The natural ingredients, quality control processes and production methods for Weleda's licensed medicines - far beyond current legislation and regulation for bodycare manufacturing standards. Only the best raw materials are used, and every single ingredient is listed on the label. Pure essential oils act not only as natural fragrances but also as natural preservatives.
27 izdelkov v 16 kategorijah
Ocena: 2.93 (na podlagi 72 glasov)
51 izdelkov v 20 kategorijah
Ocena: 3.14 (na podlagi 82 glasov)
17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21
Zadnje ocene
Zadnji izdelki
  • Tanja 19. mar 2023 20:52
    RES slabo, meni izsušuje kožo
  • Tanja 21. feb 2023 18:20
    Izvrsten, najboljši
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 12:25
    Svaljka se
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 12:05
    Ne preprečuje vonjav
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 11:57
    Ne neguje
Zadnje objave
Najbolj brano
Trenutno dogaja
V zadnjem času se na družbenih omrežjih pojavlja naval svetlejših odtenkov las.