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3 izdelkov v 2 kategorijah
Ocena: 2.58 (na podlagi 3 glasov)

Antica Erboristeria

First launched in Italy in 1979, Antica Erboristeria is a very complete line of specific products for oral care and daily hair care. Its formulas based on traditional natural herbs containing active agents which have been thoroughly tested and selected to satisfy efficiently the specific consumer need.
0 izdelkov v 0 kategorijah
Ocena: Proizvajalec nima ocenjenih izdelkov


Each and every premium botanical ingredient in an Antipodes skincare product earns its place. The sustainably cultivated plant extracts not only have to be certified organic or genuinely natural, but they must also be able to enhance your skin’s natural health and beauty – which is how our effective beauty products achieve such extraordinary scientific validation. Bioactive extracts from New Zealand's plant species that have evolved in Antipodean isolation over millions of years go through a rigorous selection process. The extracts have natural antibacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant-rich properties: New Zealand’s world-famous manuka, totara, kowhai and mamaku black fern offer a powerhouse of nutrients to your skin. Antipodes also combs the world for potent skin-enhancing ingredients like the vibrant Himalayan goji berry, South America's wrinkle-reducing jojoba, deeply moisturising Australian macadamia nut oil and China's Reishi mushroom of immortality. Antipodes says NO to: animal testing, genetically modified (GM) or genetically engineered (GE) ingredients, synthetic fillers or silicon derived ingredients, artificial colours or artificial fragrances ,sodium lauryl sulphates, mineral oils, petrochemicals, animal ingredients (except honey and beeswax from living bees), parabens; ethyl-, methyl-, propyl-, butyl-.
3 izdelkov v 3 kategorijah
Ocena: 4.5 (na podlagi 3 glasov)
26 izdelkov v 10 kategorijah
Ocena: 2.68 (na podlagi 142 glasov)


Ukvarja se z zdravili ter prehrambeni dodatki za zdravo telo.
1 izdelkov v 1 kategorijah
Ocena: 3.58 (na podlagi 3 glasov)
9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13
Zadnje ocene
Zadnji izdelki
  • Tanja 19. mar 2023 20:52
    RES slabo, meni izsušuje kožo
  • Tanja 21. feb 2023 18:20
    Izvrsten, najboljši
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 12:25
    Svaljka se
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 12:05
    Ne preprečuje vonjav
  • [*jag0da*] 19. feb 2023 11:57
    Ne neguje
Zadnje objave
Najbolj brano
Trenutno dogaja
Kar nekaj zvezdnic se je odločilo, da se ne bodo podvrgle kirurškim popravkom temveč sprejele svoj naravni videz.